Happy New Year, everyone! I wish you all an exciting year full of health, prosperity, abundance, limitless opportunities, and many fulfilled dreams. How is 2024 treating you so far? I hope it’s treating you all gently and nicely.
I’m very excited about the new year. 2023 was extremely stagnant and my mental health suffered, so I couldn’t be any happier that it’s gone. I’m feeling optimistic about 2024 and I kind of prepared for it. How? I set my yearly goals, planned a few action steps, made a few vision boards, and even made a bucket list for the first time in my life!
To be honest, this year I’m aiming to upgrade my life since I feel like I wasted too much time in 2023. That’s why I’m trying to build and stick with new habits that’ll make my life and daily routine more structured and help me achieve my goals.
In this post, I’d like to share with you my daily habits for this month. Probably, some of them are not going to make it next month, but others are going to be there for the entire year. I’ve been tracking my habits on Notion and it’s the only app I currently use the most for planning… pretty much my entire life.
My daily habits
1. Working – out
Besides the fact that I’d love to drop some weight this year, physical activity boosts my mood and it benefits my overall well-being. So, at this point, I try to work out 2 or 3 times a week and so far, it’s going very well. I usually pick a work-out video from YouTube or I try a work-out I find on Pinterest. I’d really like to stick with this habit for the entire year.
2. Meditation
I started meditating last year and while I sometimes have difficulty concentrating, I overall love it. I especially love meditating after a long, busy, or sad day because it helps me relax, stay in the present moment, and feel better. Recently, I’ve been experimenting with various guided meditations I find on YouTube.
3. Reading
I love the idea of reading. Actually, I used to read a lot up to a few years ago but it significantly decreased in recent years. The thing is that I desperately need hobbies that include less screen time and scrolling, so this year I’m planning to read more. Ideally, I’d like to read 40 books. This was my goal last year too but I ended up reading only around 12 or so books. It’s going well. I’m reading almost every day and I’ve already read 2 books. I’m very hyped up about it. Also, if you have any book suggestions, please drop them in the comments! I always look for new ideas. Reading is one of the habits that I plan to stick with for the entire 2024.
4. Writing
Writing is an essential part of my life. I’ve been writing since I was a teenager and I always work on several and various projects. Last year, I feel like I didn’t write a lot although I have no idea how much I actually wrote since I didn’t keep track of it. The thing is that writing-wise I didn’t do anything significant with the biggest example being my book which had like zero progress. Anyway, this year I aim to write 100.000 words and also work consistently on my novel, so I already know that writing will stay in my daily habits for the entire year. So far things are going well, although I could be writing a little more than I do now.
5. Journaling
I love journaling and I’ve been doing it for years – probably since 2019. The thing is that I can go for long periods of time without writing anything in my journal and this is something I’d like to not do this year. I consider a lot of things journaling. I have a bullet journal, a regular one, and also a digital one, so I just go with the mood. Sometimes I also do morning pages, although I don’t end up writing three whole pages – I mostly stick with just one. It’s been going well, but I still don’t do it every day.
6. Proper hydration
I am the type of person who can live on coffee. This means that sometimes I just forget to drink enough water during the day. That’s why I decided to include hydration in my daily habits. This way, I keep in my mind that I should have enough water daily. Mostly, I aim to have an average of 1.5 liters every day, and so far it’s going really well since I end up having a decent amount of water most days of the week. I’ll probably include hydration in my daily habits in February as well, but maybe not after that since it has already become more natural for me to drink more water.
6. Expressing gratitude
I’ve been practicing gratitude consistently for around 6 months and it’s been a life-changing experience. It has improved both my mental health and my self-esteem, and it also helps to keep me grounded and appreciate the present moment. I decided to include it in my daily habits because it’s something I’d love to do as much as possible during this year, and I plan to stick with this for the next months too. My current gratitude routine consists of expressing gratitude for 3-5 things when I wake up, and then for 10 things that happened during the day at night-time.
So, these are the six habits I’m tracking this first month of the new year. What are your current daily habits?